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Writer's picturePhilip

WOSR 2024

Over the last fortnight Oilseed rape has been planted, it is now emerging.  There are certainly more fields drilled this year than last.

The crumb size within a seedbed is particularly important to ensure good seed to soil contact to allow a constant supply of moisture to the germinating seed and young plant.  Getting this correct is always a particular challenge since the majority of the soils where rape is grown contain a high clay content.


Although cabbage stem flea beetle grazing can be seen on the newly emerging cotyledons the amount of damage appears relatively low.


As with most seasons the main problem to contend with is slug grazing.  Since the oilseed rape seed was planted we have had in excess of 35 mm of rain and along with a combination of seedbed quality, trash and a traditional autumnal season, slugs once again appear the main issue.


No hybrids have not been drilled but an appropriate rate of a conventional variety has been. 

No, the inclusion of companion crops has not occurred since their benefit may be considered “reduced” for September drilled crops.


Organic manure of one sort or another has been applied along with ground limestone where the soil analysis indicates a need.



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