Integrated Farm Management
The Revive Agronomy System of Integrated Farm Management has been tested and proven in the commercial farm environment; it brings healthy farm profits, high quality output and environmental benefits.
The system is modular and site specific. You can use as much or as little as is appropriate for your farming business.
The Revive Agronomy System constantly evaluates practical techniques looking at or for interaction between them.
It looks at world wide data sources seeking scientific answers to basic agricultural questions and problems whilst simultaneously comparing results reported with those achieved within the Revive Agronomy System.
The provision of data by monitoring and then recording on farm results allows decision making to be based on empirical data rather than guesswork. With thoughtful and accurately recording it is possible to discover why certain inputs work whilst others fail. With this knowledge, the use of production inputs can be more precisely targeted.
This along with collaborative data from the Association of Independent Crop Consultants replicated trials provides vital information on the economic response of production inputs to support in-field decisions.
Integrated management is a balancing act. Every farming system has an effect on the environment. Exactly what these effects are and how farming practices can be adapted to minimise those that are detrimental is part of the process of good farm.
Environmental monitoring is part of everyday farming. The search for answers to simple questions about how each action affects the working environment; for without a healthy environment there is nothing bequeath to a family member or for sale as a profitable business at some future date.
What works on one farm may not work in exactly the same way on another. No one integrated farm management plan can provide all the answers. There is no simple blueprint to follow. However, there are signposts to point the way from hundreds of years of farming history.