Revive Agronomy Ltd. would like to reassure you that we have considered the expert advice available and as a consequence are implementing practical measures to protect the health and safety of our colleagues, clients and those with whom we have contact during our normal business operations.
Farm agronomy is very much about relationships between people. We know how important it is to you to be able to physically see and speak to us on farm. There are just some aspects of being on farm that can’t be conveyed through a computer or mobile screen.
Our aim throughout these unusual times will be to deliver a full service and support our clients.
We will be operating social distancing when in face to face contact with clients.
We will conduct meetings in non enclosed locations as circumstances dictate.
Where required we will ensure a face covering is worn
Existing use of the Royal Mail, telephone and computer provide a safe means of contact between working parties. This will continue.
We have service contingency plans in place so that we can continue to deliver farm support should things deteriorate further albeit it with some changes to the way we operate.
All these factors we consider will ensure that we continue to operate with minimal disruption to you our client.
Finally I would like to give a big thank you to all our clients, suppliers and supporters for their pragmatic response and understanding during this difficult and testing time.